In 2008, 640 volunteers contributed 17,255 hours, the equivalent of $336,645 worth of labor, caring for The Colorado Trail.
Adopt-A-Trail Accomplishments
- 210 Adopters and helpers spent 1,794 hours maintaining 60 Adopt-A-Trail sections of the Trail, ranging from 3 miles to 19 miles in length
- 463 fallen trees removed
- 58 water diversions cleaned
- Dozens of signs and trail markers were added or replaced
Trail Crew Accomplishments
- 330 volunteers worked 9,991 hours on 10 weeklong and 2 weekend crews
- Six-tenths of new trail built
- 7 miles of tread improved
- 417 water diversions built or replaced
- Cataract Ridge reroute refined and new signage added
- 34 downed trees removed
Other Accomplishments
- 100 operations, office and other helpers, and board members contributed 5,470 volunteer hours
- All 2009 projects scouted, planned and organized
- One Tread Lines newsletter and one Friends letter sent to approximately 6,500 households
Click here to see the full 2008 Trail Crew reports.