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Weeklong Crew 0110 – Twin Lakes

Trail Crew 0110, Twin Lakes, June 19-2, 2010
Crew Leader: Phil Smith
Crew Members Included: Ashley Batty, Ryker Bynum, Trey Chaffin, Ashley Christner, Jessica Condon, Austin Delohery, Chris Farley, Derek Fleshman, Kelley Gorham, Luke Hannan, Rachel Hatfield, Reuben King, Blake Lobato, Dylan Stokes, Betsy Sylvester, John Sylvester, Ryan Wahl

Total Hours Worked: 870.25
Work Done: 927 feet of tread widened, dry water crossing made into a rolling water bar.

Weeklong Crew 0210 – North Fork

Trail Crew 0210, North Fork, June 19-26, 2010
Crew Leaders: John W. Lipe, Steve Staley
Crew Members Included: Fred Almy, Carter Behler, Jeremy Behler, Bill Bloomquist, Don Clasen, Lois Cochran, Tracy Cochran, Noel Coyne, Tom Croke, Jesse Dobbs, James Einolf, Alexis Erickson, Brian Fagan, Isabel Fagan, Oisin Fagan, Rory Fagan, Tom Fitzsimmons, Clare Foote, Bob Hunter, Joe Kearney, Rick Larned, Frank Lilley, Elayna Lipe, John R. Lipe, Denis O’Donohue, Art Roberts, Robert Seklemian, Mark Seklemian, Roy Senyard, Carolyn Sorensen, Paul Sorensen, Sally Stone, Brooks Taylor

Total Hours Worked: 1,351
Work Done: Built 120 feet of turnpike, rehabbed 1,200 feet of severely eroded trail.

Weeklong Crew 0310 – Twin Lakes

Trail Crew 0310, Twin Lakes, July 10-17, 2010
Crew Leader: Phil Smith
Crew Members Included: Joel Ayers, Matt Brown, T.J. Campbell, Ashley Christner, Anthony Cox, Rhianna Fairchild, Nate Florea, Matthew Horner, Evan Jackson, Robert Jackson, Lonny Sewald, Jim Shadell, Philip Smith, John Sylvester, Betsy Sylvester, Holden Wiens

Total Hours Worked: 525
Work Done: Cleaned berm off, repaired 15 feet of tread, fixed water seepage area, build 1 retaining wall to stop trail erosion, built 5 rolling water bars.

Weeklong Crew 0410 – Molas Pass

Trail Crew 0410, Molas Pass, July 10-17, 2010
Crew Leader: Ted La May
Crew Members Included: Bill Bloomquist, Bill Carpenter, Scot Colburn, John Cooley, Brook Gauthier, Bill Grimes, Dewey Hill, Cathy Hoch, Bob Hunter, Linda Johnson, Jim Kleckner, Ray Landfair, Ken Marshall, Ed Matthys, Paul Metzger, Pat La May, Jim McIntosh, Lavern Nelson, Ernie Norris, Suzanne Reed, Alexis Saghie, Martin Smith, Ken Swierenga, Brooks Taylor, Janice Taylor, Don Van Wyke, Judd Vear

Total Hours Worked: 841.5
Work Accomplished: Rehabbed 105 treated post water bars, 37 natural drains, 56 rolling dips and installed 10 new treated post water bars. Also de-beamed 300 feet of trail.

Weeklong Crew 0510 – Fourmile Creek

Trail Crew 0510, Fourmile Creek, July 24-31, 2010
Crew Leaders: George Miller, Arthur Rankin
Crew Members Included: Sharon Areen-Smith, Charlotte Aycrigg, Fred Balmos, Earl Beam, Bill Bloomquist, Clint Britt, Richard Conger, Bob Dando, Mike Dorio, Laura Farmer, Larry Mack, Gary Osburn, Tom Parchman, Dallas Peterson, Storme Rose, Carole Saus, Max Saus, Andy Smith, Elizabeth Smith, Paul Smith, Mark Zammuto

Total Hours Worked: 824
Work Accomplished: Replaced 50 feet of old cribbing wall and improved 1,000 feet of trail into and out of the crib wall section.

Weeklong Crew 0610 – Eddiesville

Trail Crew 0610, Eddiesville, July 24-31, 2010
Crew Leaders: John W. Lipe, Steve Stadler
Crew Members Included: Fred Almy, Bill Berglan, John Eagerton, Tyler Fox, Richard Hackman, Garrett Harmsen, Rick Larned, Sue Larned, Christi Lee, Roy Leonard, John R. Lipe, John Marcotte, Kathy Phelan, Ava Raymond, Audrey Raymond, Ester Raymond, Maria Raymond, Andrew Ronner, Ken Stagner, Sally Stone, Ron Stone, Cherry Von Stroh, Richard Wheeler

Total Hours Worked: 1,240
Work Accomplished: Corrected braided trail for 1.68 miles, repaired 110 yards of severely eroded trail with rock cribs and rolling dips, built 146 knicks and 44 water diversion structures. Relocated and rebuilt 90 yards of trail across solid rock shelf with rock cribbing.

Weeklong Crew 0710 – Rolling Pass East

Trail Crew 0710, Rolling Pass East, July 24-31
Crew Leader: Paul Smith

Weeklong Crew 0810 – Hagerman Pass

Trail Crew 0810, Hagerman Pass, July 31-August 1, 2010
Crew Leaders: Gavin Bailey, Bill Carpenter
Crew Members Included: Joel Barker, Bill Bloomquist, Kyle Rhodes, Bob Climie, Thomas Couts, Richard Crabb, Robert Deering, Donald French, Ann Horner, Chin-Ming Hsieh, Justin Hsieh, Eric Tang, J.J. Kleckner, Shiaq-Chun Lin, Zach Motes, Adam Parker, Andrew Parker, Megan Parker, Susan Parker
Total Hours Worked: 770.5
Work Accomplished: 2,400 feet of trail improved, fixed steep rutted section of trail, cut out 3 trees, fixed ad added 74 water diversion features (i.e. rolling dips, knicks, switch backs), put in turnpike without ditches in lower section to fix boggy area.

Weeklong Crew 0910 – Winfield

Trail Crew 0910, Winfield, August 7-14, 2010
Crew Leader: Cindy Johnson
Crew Members Included: Suzy Burger, Bill Carpenter, Bob Climie, Joseph Flaherty, Mike Fullerton, Matthew Horner, Cheryl Lindberg, John Marksbury, Jean Mortensen, Robert Olma, Ginny Passoth, Andrew Rothrock, Jim Smith, Donald Sohm, Diana Soliverdi, Jeffrey Steele, Cody Stugelmayer, Peter Suechting, Loren Woods, Sarah Woods, Tommy Wren
Total Hours Worked: 762
Work Accomplished: Began working on 300 feet of new trail for the Continental Divide Trail at Avalanche Gulch.

Weeklong Crew 1010 – Winfield

Trail Crew 1010, Winfield, August 14-21, 2010
Crew Leader: Glenn Kepler
Crew Members Included: Debra Beasley, Andrew Been, Steven Bowers, Bill Brown, Randy Dyson, Bob Fetterman, Dana Fetterman, John Hammonds, Bill Johnson, Joe Kepler, Roy Kepler, Paul Labounty, Justin Lee, Leroy Manz, Colin McKenna, Diana Soliverdi, Cody Stugelmayer

Total Hours Worked: 672
Work Accomplished: This crew followed another Colorado Trail Foundation volunteer trail crew, working with the Continental Divide Trail Alliance, and the U.S. Forest Service on an extension of the Continental Divide Trail, toward Hope Pass. This effort between the three trail organizations brought them closer together, displaying what the cooperation between the three could accomplish. For CTF volunteers it brought an opportunity to learn new and different techniques of trail building and through a particularly challenging rocky section of forest. Camp was located at about 10,400 feet elevation, about a mile west of the old mining town Winfield. The crew felt fortunate to be working in such an awesome setting, high in middle of several 14,000 foot peaks. The week did bring some rain, but not enough to slow them down. Justin, from Minnesota kept the following account of the week’s work.

Staggering into camp we came. All walks of life from different areas of the United States, and Dahlia from Madrid, Spain. Our First night we feasted, compliments of the Johnson’s, and all gathered for the formal introductions. We all gave our names and a little information of our past; hobbies, interests, how we learned about the Colorado Trail Foundation. Once the fire was lit we huddled close to its warmth and shared stories with one another.

Sunday brought a cold chill, but the fire, compounded with the amazing cooking of the Johnson’s, soon warmed everyone. We took a quick trip up to the work site and learned a little about each tool we would be using and safety tips to go along with them. Later, we all headed our separate ways and awaited the morning excitement.

Monday was a warmer morning. We all ate a spectacular breakfast again and met the U.S. Forest Service rangers Chris and Luke. Accompanying them was Scott, from the Continental Divide Trail Alliance. We all said where we were from and the experience we had again, but this time said a stretch and held a stretching circle before heading to the site. We were given instructions on how to build a nice trail. We all then choose our tool of choice and began construction! We finished about 150 feet of trail and started major excavation on another 150 feet.

Tuesday brought beautiful weather and a swift breeze to cool us while we worked. Another 60 feet of trail was ground broken and many feet were prepared for finishing. The switch back in the gully was near completion and trail before the gully was also prepared fir finish.

Wednesday was another beautiful morning. On our day off some people chose to climb 14,006 foot Huron while others went to a hot spring and our leader, Glenn Kepler, went for a hike on a portion of the Colorado Trail he hadn’t hiked before. Doc caught a fish in the upper lakes; and Aspen was drive away for others. Some were more content with laundry being done and a hot shower. Needless to say it was a much needed day off as we prepared for work on Thursday.

When we woke on Thursday the sky was filled with clouds and was raining slightly. We got up to the site and worked cautiously, but the rain soon ended. That day we had another “bucket brigade” finishing off more of the trail.

Friday was clear skies and sunny. The gully switchback almost got finished by this weeks volunteer: 490 feet for tread was finished during the week and over 200 feet of rock wall left waiting for the volunteers to come.

Continued work started by Crew 0910 on CDT. Built 490 feet of tread, 190 feet prepared for next crew.

Weekend Crew 0110 – Twin Lakes

Trail Crew WE1, Twin Lakes, June 5-6, 2010
Crew Leader: Steve Staley
Crew Members Included: Fred Almy, Rachel Bray, Bill Cartwright, Anne Englert, Terry Hardie, Dan Haske, George Miller, Ken Nakauchi, Art Roberts, Todd Rodas and Matt Shellman

Total Hours Worked: 148
Work Accomplished: Took out Twin Lakes Dam reroute and widened 200 feet of trail.

Thank You from Crew Leader: Many thanks to the WE1 Trail Crew for taking out the reroute around the Twin Lakes Dam! This culminated a several year effort to reopen the dam passage as a piece of the CT.

Happy Trails, Steve Staley

Weekend Crew 0210 – Swan River

Trail Crew WE2, Swan River, June 26-27, 2010
Crew Leaders: Gavin Bailey, Bill Carpenter
Crew Members Included: Stacey Blado, Bill Bloomquist, David Cody, Martha Kondo-Pavish, Christie Lee, Liatris Studer, Melinda Wolfinbarger

Total Hours Worked: 152
Work Accomplished: Crew placed 4 “No Motor Vehicles” signs on the trail at 4 different points intersecting the current ATV road.

Weekend Crew 0310 – Squaw Creek

Trail Crew WE3, Squaw Creek, July 10-11, 2010
Crew Leader: Cindy Johnson
Crew Members Included: Antonia Banducci, Rachael Bray, Linda Browning, Brenda Conde-Ratchford, Sue Eibeck, Carol Kittelson, Martha Kondo-Pavish, Terri Krasci, Cheryl Lindberg, Susan Miner, Jean Mortensen, Leila Murphy, Melissa Myser, Lynda Petrelli, Debbie Robak, Kristin Robak, Lauren Ryals, Nancy Stevens

Total Hours Worked: 445
Work Accomplished: Rebuilt a switchback with retaining wall. General trail clean-up: knick & water bar additions, rock & root removal, corridor clean up, down tree removal.