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Snapshot: Adopters 2011

  • 64 Adopter sections
  • 63 Adopters (1 has 2 sections)
  • 150 Adopter Helpers
  • Section lengths vary from 1.6 miles to 16.8 miles
  • Over 2,432 hours spent on trail work this year alone


  • Maintained the entire 486 miles of the CT
  • Made multiple excursions each summer
  • Cleared the Trail, sawing and removing over 305 fallen trees
  • Cut back foliage
  • Repaired rockslides
  • Cleaned hundreds of water diversions to preserve the tread and limit Trail erosion
  • Repaired, replaced and added signs, including wooden, steel and confidence markers
  • Reported Trail conditions to the CTF for planning & FS coordination

Note from Janet Farrar

I hope everyone is having a great fall, getting some nice weather!! We sure had a great day at the annual picnic on Sept 10. It was fun to see all the great volunteers, Adopters, friends, etc. The Adopter program continues to amaze us. What a wonderful group of dedicated people, and the amount of work we can get done is staggering, and SO APPRECIATED!!! We are logging tremendous volunteer hours, so we can be really happy with the huge amount of work Adopters accomplish!

The Adopter roster has remained pretty stable this year, changes mostly due to crew members taking over the official Adopter contact position. Bob and Carol Drew are handing over control to Christ Thiry, who has worked on their crews on Segment 5.2. Suzanne Reed will be taking over from Art Rankin (many thanks to Art!!), and teaming with Cindy Johnson on Segment 7.2. Robert Bernhardt took over from Jamie Watts with Cub Scout pack 72 on Segment 12.1. Pam Doverspike will be the contact for Segment 16.1; she has worked on the Adoption with Signe Wheeler and the women horse group Rancho del Sueno. Jerry Brown is handing over command to his right hand woman, Connie Wian, who works on lots of crews and Segment 24.2. Stan Barnes retired from many, many years as Adopter of Segment 14.2. Many thanks, Stan!! And Jeremy Bock, who had Adopted Segment 13.3, moved to Segment 14.2, and Tony and Angelia Johnson stepped in to care for Segment 13.3. And I just learned that Rob Lauchner and family will be moving to Baltimore, so Segment 12.2 is currently open for Adoption.

As always, we really are grateful for all the work our volunteers do. The Trail would not be what it is without all that care.

Janet Farrar
Adopt-A-Trail Coordinator

Adopter Notes

Section 4.1 Steve Cave

“Erected new signs at mile 5.6. Cleared all remaining downfall (21 trees) from entire section. Trail conditions are good. Water diversions are all clear with no noticeable erosion from last year. Still have new signs to erect at mile 1.0; otherwise trail is in great shape.”

Section 7.2 Suzanne Reed & Cindy Johnson

Hiked section, cleared drainage, cut one tree, replaced signs at intersection of Wheeler Trail and CT/CDT, surveyed trail at site of late winter avalanche. Trail conditions are good. We may do a 2 day overnight work crew in summer 2012 to work on the section above tree line and general trail maintenance.

Section 8.2 Dave Callais

“Added “CT” logos and painted 2 rocks with logo. Cleaned and added water dips, all timber removed.”

Section 10.2 Eric Mink report via Robbie Miller

“The trail was in really good shape and we could tell that the work we put in last year worked. The water bars were in good shape and the trail had dried out in spots that were holding water last year. We cleaned all the drainage dips and added 20 or so more throughout. There was not deadfall to clear this year. We had widened a section of trail near mile 5 last year and continued to work this year. There is still more work to do, but on our fall trip we will widen the last portion of this stretch.”

Section 11.1 John & Betsy Sylvester

“Place 3 signs. Cleared 60 waterbars. Removed 73 trees.”

Section 14.3 John Lipe

“Built 200 feet of Buck & Rail fence. Removed 3 downfall trees. Cleaned 51 water structures, repaired culvert and 160 feet of trail damaged by livestock. Moved 28 feet of trail for corridor clearance.”

Section 21.2 Daryll Southwick

“Cleaned out 20-25 shallow water bars; little trail erosion. Replaced 2 water bars. Shallow waterbars apparently work well. Removed remains of tree cut and removed earlier in the season by another party. Only tree on trail on entire segment.”

Section 23.1 Dave Peters & Jodie Peterson

“Trail is in overall very good condition and being used by most hikers. Route is visible and well-marked. We were provided with shuttle transportation to Stony Pass by the owner of Canyon View Motel in Silverton and gave him $50 for gas and his time – much better than spending money on vehicle damage from marmots in years previous!”

Section 24.1 Seth & Jodie Furtney

“It was absolutely gorgeous up there. We ended up just doing an out and back day trip and it was just us. We started at 8:30 in the morning and got back to the truck at 3:30… Got the sign replaced… We also cut back some bushes that were encroaching on the trail.”

Section 26.1 Ernie Norris

“Removed 8 large and 7 medium downed trees that were blocking the trail.”

Section 28.2 Mary Monroe

“Trails 2000 is very proud to be a Colorado Trail adopter here in Durango. We worked The Colorado Trail section on four occasions, clearing 62 trees, cleaning out over 40 drainages and lopping back brush for line of sight. We contributed 263 hours of trail work with 22 volunteers over four days of work.”