- 10 weeklong and 4 weekend Volunteer Trail Crews with an average of 19 participants each
- Constructed 2 new bridges and replaced 2 old, rotten ones
- Built and refurbished hundreds of water diversions (rolling dips, check steps, etc.)
- Improved 2 equestrian creek crossings
- Removed trees and overgrowth
- Removed 20 tree stumps from new trail alignment
- Built 4,024 feet of new trail on the CT
- Completed 395 feet of new turnpike in boggy areas
- Constructed 60 foot boardwalk
- Flagged, designed drainage & surveyed 32 miles of trail to be built
Weeklong Crew 0113 – MIddle Fork Arkansas River
July 6 – 13, 2013
Crew Leader: Glenn Kepler
Total Hours Worked: 900
Crew Members Included: Sharon Areen-Smith, Andrew Been, Mehkyiah Brandt, Jack Buchen, Karsten Creech, Sachin DeYoung, Doug Donato, Kate Foote, Jon Greeneisen, Marylin Greeneisen, Nathan Hamilton, Bob Hunter, Roy Kepler, Denice Kepler, Kristen McInerney, Steven Parker, Dallas Peterson, Tony Quinn, Bharat Ratra, Lisa Schluns, Elijah Turner, Spencer Ward
Work Accomplished: 691′ of new trail constructed; removed duff, opened 6 barrow pits, removed 20 tree stumps, raised tread, built 2 switchbacks & 2 rock mono walls.
Weeklong Crew 0213 – Middle Fork Arkansas River
July 13 – 20, 2013
Crew Leader: Bill Carpenter
Total Hours Worked: 968
Crew Members Included: Fred Balmos, Joel Barker, Tom Brucia, Richard Conger, Richard Crabb, Donald French, Dave Giraitis, Harold Harmon, Andrea Holt, Ann Horner, Owen Kortz, Jim Lipsey, Colin McKenna, MelaDee Patterson, Andy Smith, Betsy Sylvester, Brooks Taylor, Suzanne Taylor, Richard Tucker, Bradley Vezina, Gary Weeks, Loren Woods
Work Accomplished: Built 850′ of new tread.
Comments from the crew…
Fred was standing in line to make lunch as leftover breakfast bacon sits on the table. Bad Fred sits on one shoulder saying, “You could have a bacon sandwich for lunch.” Good Fred sits on the other shoulder saying, “Don’t you dare.” One ear doesn’t hear so good.
Brooks has made the decision the crew is equipped with only left handed spatulas.
“If you ever get a chance look at Bill when he writes in his tiny tablet – he wiggles his mustache like a walrus.”
“Why are you throwing your crust ingredients away? Oh I guess the crust will just be thinner.” ~Betsy
Don – “This smoke is going to take away my BO.”
Loren – “I don’t think so.”
“Tell me-doesn’t everyone have a chair inside the tent? Then why are they all sitting on rocks around the fire?”
Bill – “Earl, tell us about the shovel.”
Richard as Earl leans on it – “That’s the way they are normally used.”
Weeklong Crew 0313 – Browns Creek
July 27 – August 3, 2013
Crew Leader: John Lipe, Steve Stadler
Total Hours Worked: 959
Crew Members Included: Fred Almy, David Armstrong, Bill Bloomquist, Charlie Boleman, Diana Bristol, Tom Brucia, Ron Dudek, James Einolf, Clare Foote, Elaine Karns, Elayna Lipe, John Marcotte, Laura Mockler, Gary Osburn, Kathy Phelan, Storme Rose, Tony Simi, Brooks Taylor, Janice Taylor, Jimmy Turner, Valerie Vickarelli
Work Accomplished: Rebuilt important access trail near Browns Creek Trailhead.
Weeklong Crew 0413 – Winfield
August 3 – 10
Crew Leader: Tom Brooksher
Total Hours Worked: 750
Crew Members Included: Brian Bastian, Laura Brieser-Smith, Michelle Brooksher, Tom Brucia, Diane Claeys, Liam Downs-Tepper, Georgina Freeborn, Mark Grant, Mike Hill, Dave landers, Carolyn McShea, Andrea Michels, Michael Reed, Elaine Schroeder, Scott Smith, Greg Speights, Jeffrey Steele
Work Accomplished: Built 25′ bridge. Topped 300′ of rock turnpike with dirt. Built 60′ of new turnpike & began additional 30′. Built and finished 360′ of new bench cut trail.
Limericks by Brian Bastian
We are Crew Four-One-Three
And we did the trail work for free
But we were not fools
We laid down our tools
To occasionally rest under a treeBy the roadside Elaine did park
To talk on the phone in the dark
When all had been said
She found her car dead
The battery had lost all its sparkChief, an Oklahoma charmer
Works harder than a pioneer farmer
But damsel in distress
Put him to the test
Like a bold knight in shining armorNow Dave had car trouble too
As over the rough road he flew
It caused a mishap…
Burnt distributor cap
To be fixed when the trail work was throughOut on the trail went Mark
Swinging his pick in a arc
After clearing the trail
He really moved tail
Rushing back for a nip in the darkGeorgie was a sassy young Brit
Always finding a job that would fit
With Pulaski on trails
Or bridge pounding nails
Blimey! Each job was a hit!Greg led three up a fourteener
But the weather got meaner and meaner
They ran into snow
And rain down below
But they came back to camp sooo much cleanerDigging rocks with Pulaski’s hook
Carolyn slammed the earth till it shook
Getting dirty enough
She really got tough
As she bathed in an icy cold brookWe all heard the wisdom of Doc
When ’round the fire we would flock
But things went unsaid
For we all went to bed
Figuring he could talk ’round the clockLiam though he would give it a try
To make the mountains less high
The rocks lived in fear
Whenever he got near
For a rock bar or sledge he’d let flyDoubling down…
Getting out of his Brooklyn box
Liam really enjoyed busting rocks
The girls did say
That one lucky day
He actually might put on clean socksAndrea worked in the muck and the mire
But brought smiles each night to our fire
At one point in time
Things weren’t so fine
That happens when you get a flat tire.Hard work for Diane is no jest
Creating a trail was the best
But for all of her merits
She only got carrots
Fulfilling her C.T.F. questNow weather had been this crew’s bane
We thought Mike was using his brain
For he knew it was sharp
To bring out a tarp
On the only day without rainJeff tented on top of a hill
In the forest so peaceful and still
With a tombstone nearby
We all wonder why
Just whom HE was seeking to killAfter Scott had mastered each tool
He worked the trail like a mule
At the end of each day
We thought him OK
But determined his wife was more coolDoubling down…
In the kitchen Scott was the boss
As a chef he was not at a loss
We all dined as kings
Because he brought things
Like brownies and cupcakes and sauceLaura seemed so pleasant and nice
A combination of sugar and spice
It was common belief
She was commander-in-chief
And you didn’t want to mess with her twiceIt sure was a sight to see
For they all laughed at Bri’s SUV
But some rode up in style
Bouncing mile after mile
In his four wheel drive InfinitiDoubling down…
We worked the trail without breaks
Using hammers, Pulaskis and rakes
To refuel our strength
Bri went to great length
Making breakfasts of Kodiak Cakes.Adam and Luke, the Forest Service team
Mischievously surveyed the stream
But they didn’t fret
They knew WE would get wet
When we forded the stream with the beamSweet Bella added great cheer
As she named each visiting deer
But they all looked the same
Regardless of name
How she knew they apart is unclearMichelle had a quiet spoken manner
She proved to be an excellent planner
Obviously good food…
For nobody booed
So we’ll hoist her name on a bannerAnd lastly, what can we say?
For he led us to work every day
A great trail master…
We avoided disaster!
To Tom a heartfelt HURRAY!
Weeklong Crew 0513 – Winfield
August 11 – 16, 2013
Crew Leaders: Cindy Johnson
Total Hours Worked: 922
Crew Members Included: Earl Beam, Cling Britt, Tom Brucia, Bob Climie, Liam Downs-Tepper, Steve Espinoza, Donald French, Steffani Hays, Mike Hill, Ann Horner, Erick Johnson, Ann Lee, Jim McIntosh, Jean Mortensen, Michael Reed, Judy Sanclaria, David Scarbeary, Martin Suechting, Ginny Suechting, Judy Tritz, Beverly Vigil-Lindsey, Tommy Wren
Work Accomplished: Built 90% of a 40′ bridge. Completed 75′ of turnpike. Built and finished another 200′ of tread.
Weeklong Crew 0713 – Tunnel Gulch
August 17 – 24, 2013
Crew Leader: Bill Carpenter
Total Hours Worked: 908
Volunteer crew photoCrew Members Included: Sharon Areen-Smith, Bill Brown, Bob Climie, Thomas Couts, Mike Dorio, Liam Downs-Tepper, Dave Giraitis, Todd Heppler, Bob Hunter, Colin Jones, Larry Kline, William Lange, Leroy Manz, Colin McKenna, Doug Newberry, Michael Reed, Robert Sorenson, Dean Waits, Leo Wertin, Loren Woods
Work Accomplished: Performed maintenance on 5,080′ of tread. Made 2 stream crossing improvements and 65 water diversions built.
Comments from the crew…
Chef Tom, who has been doing most of the food prep, let others try after showing them how to chop veggies. When he watched them try, he looked like he was passing a kidney stone! Ha!
Mike the fire king, made a great campfire each night, big and bright. His tent however was set up at the farthest location for it—maybe he doesn’t know how to control his fire fetish and knows it.
Poor Mr. Bill Brown – such an awesome tent. Rain fly, however does not work well when left unzipped during a rain storm! Spent the 2nd night (after rain) wringing out his sleeping bag and retrieving personal items floating around in his tent!! Didn’t happen again.
Rob spent each night whittling (carving) a wood block into an egg shape. Most entertaining and great shavings for the fire.
Weeklong Crew 0813 – Tunnel Gulch
August 24 – 31, 2013
Crew Leader: Steve Stadler, John Lipe
Total Hours Worked: 919
Crew Members Included: Fred Almy, Diana Bristol, Bill Carpenter, Tom Croke, Ron Dudek, Randy Dyson, James Einolf, Brian Fagan, Ted Hilbun, Jane Hopper, Rick Larned, Susan Larned, Michael Larned, Roy Leonard, Elayna Lipe, Lanny Mikulencak, Thomas Norcom
Work Accomplished: Constructed 60′ boardwalk and 20′ turnpike across boggy area.
Weeklong Crew 0913NOS – Cochetopa Hills
June 2 – 7, 2013
Crew Leader: Jerry Brown
Total Hours Worked: 465
Crew Members Included: Carl Brown, Ron Dudek, Cindy Johnson, George Miller, Aimée O’Malley, Steve Stadler
Work Accomplished: Flagged, designed drainage and surveyed 17 miles of planned reroute.
Weeklong Crew 1013NOS – Cochetopa Hills
June 9 – 14, 2013
Crew Leader: Jerry Brown
Total Hours Worked: 431
Crew Members Included: Bridget Babcock, Rory Chapman, Dan Cohen, Margaret Hedderman, Cindy Johnson, George Miller, Chad Neufeld
Work Accomplished: Flagged, designed drainage and surveyed 15 miles of planned reroute.
Weeklong Crew 1113NOS – Copper Mountain
June 15 – 22, 2013
Crew Leader: Kelley Gorham
Total Hours Worked: 661
Crew Members Included: Sabrina Baker, Jacob Benson, Jules Daley, Courtney Dunn, Sydney Ehmann, Cassidy Gorham, Jordan Hall, Isaiah Livingood, Austin Luong, Emma Sue O’Connell, Travis Reinhardt, Tyler Skidmore, Skylar Smith, Steve Willson, Brian Wood
Work Accomplished: Built 1,698′ of new tread. Performed trail maintenance on 1,857′ of current tread.
Weekend Crew 113 – Rock Creek
June 14 – 16, 2013
Crew Leader: Loren Woods
Total Hours Worked: 297
Crew Members Included: Bill Carpenter, Jeremy Carr, Morgan Carr, Stephanie Detmer, Michael Harper, Jennie Juneau, Jim Kidder, Tommy Kidder, Bobby Kidder, Own Kortz, Klarissa Lawrence, Doug Newberry, Ginny Passoth, Art Roberts, David Scarbeary, Dedra Trotter, John Vogl, Brian Walker, Leo Wertin
Work Accomplished: 78 water drainage features constructed. 225′ of trail realigned. One bridge repaired.
Weekend Crew 213 – Kenosha Pass
June 28 – July 1, 2013
Crew Leader: Cindy Johnson
Total Hours Worked: 352
Crew Members Included: Jamie Bernstein, Rachael Bray, Suzy Burger, Rachel Cordova, Anne Craddock, Margaret Jacot, Martha Kondo-Pavish, Andrea Magness, Jean Mortensen, Julie Mower, Leila Murphy, Ginny Passoth, Susan Zamis, Robbie Zmuda
Work Accomplished: Cleaned up old wooden footbridge area. Added many water drainage features, removed rock and tree roots.
Weekend Crew 313 – Wurts Ditch
July 12 – 14, 2013
Crew Leader: Paul Smith
Total Hours Worked: 445
Crew Members Included: Earl Beam, Jim Beltch, Kelly Bitner, David Cody, Patrick Dahnert, Vinny DeLuca, Conor Diaz, Dennis Diaz, Thomas Frew, Mark Hersom, Klarissa Lawrence, Russell Muren, Aimée O’Malley, Patrick O’Malley, Andrew Pezzimenti, Bruce Prather, Dan Prather, Katie Sauter, Laura Sauter, Kyle Schnitzenbaum, Jamie Snyder, Ryan Spatz, John Vogl
Work Accomplished: Added water drainage features. Removed 2 large trees across the tread. Performed general trail maintenance.
Weekend Crew 413 – Tennessee Pass
July 26 – 28, 2013
Crew Leader: Paul Smith
Total Hours Worked: 371
Crew Members Included: Antonia Banducci, Timothy Drescher, Marie Flynn, Nodin Gaul, Jim Gigone, David Harman, Michael Harper, William Howell, David Kirk, Laura Larson, Dick Maurer, Denise Snow, Rachael Trojanovich, Rick Trojanovich, Tom Waanders, Zachary Waanders, Rhonda Weiler, Karen Zietlow
Work Accomplished: Removed rotten bridge and replace with new materials.