In 2016 … 618 CTF VOLUNTEERS contributed 21,527 hours preserving The Colorado Trail, an astounding $552,813 worth of labor!
Adopt-A-Trail VOLUNTEERS • 293 Adopters & Helpers • 2,860 hours:
- Maintained the 567-mile CT (as they do annually)
- 92 volunteer Adopters plus their helpers
- Multiple excursions each summer
- Cleared the Trail, sawing and removing numerous fallen trees
- Cleaned hundreds of water diversions to preserve the tread and limit Trail erosion
- Repaired, replaced and installed signage, including directional signs and confidence markers
- Cut back foliage
- Repaired rockslides
- Reported Trail conditions to the CTF for planning & USFS coordination
- Installed new sign marking the highest point of The Colorado Trail
Trail Crew VOLUNTEERS • 367 Crew Members • 9,357 hours:
- Improved The Colorado Trail
- Four one day, four weekend, and 10 weeklong crews, with an average of 20 members per crew
- Built and refurbished hundreds of water diversions (rolling dips, check steps, etc.)
- Removed trees and overgrowth
- Constructed 1.25 miles of new trail
- Rebuilt approaches to three bridges
- Rehabbed braided trails
- Took in and fed Trail users and educated them about the CTF
Behind the Scenes VOLUNTEERS • 141 Board, Ops & Other • 3,978 hours:
- Provided vision, planning, financial assistance, etc. (volunteer Board Members)
- Made and installed Trail signs
- Scouted, organized and planned logistics for crews and special projects
- Collaborated with Forest Service personnel on trail work and maintenance, etc.
- Managed programs including Trail Crews
- Volunteered pro-bono, professional services in graphic design, marketing, editing, etc.
- Mailed Tread Lines newsletter and other publications keeping 15,100 households informed
- Reached new CT Friends with presentations and brochures
- Handled accounting and oversight
- Wrote grant applications to help secure funds
- Delivered thank-you notes to donors and volunteers
- Partnered with many organizations including the USFS, BLM, CMC, Trails 2000, COMBA, CDTC and others
- Maintained the CTF website, keeping current all the valuable public info
- Registered participants for Trail Crews
- Planned events including the Friends Picnic, Durango Reception and Holiday Party
- Helped author revision of CT guides
Thanks to CTF Volunteers and Donors like you, The Colorado Trail remains one of the nation’s premier long distance trails. Preservation of The Colorado Trail was made possible through your help!