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  • 18 Trail Crews, 10 week-longs and 8 one-to-four day crews
  • 367 volunteers (including crew leaders, cooks, trail workers, Operations Manager…)
  • 9,357 volunteer hours contributed
  • 400 water drains constructed
  • 50 lineal feet of turnpike constructed
  • 3 bridge approaches rebuilt
  • 1.25 miles of new trail constructed

Two-Day Crew 0116 – Morrison Creek

May 21 – 22, 2016
Crew Leader: Cindy Johnson
Total Hours Worked: 439

Crew Members Included: Aubrey Allen, Rachel Bray, Brent Adams, Anne Englert, Chuck Oden, Ian Oden, Becca Brunson, John Bryon, Doug Buttery, Doris Chandler, Randy Dalton, Alan Davis, Chris Dennis, Karla Fuller, Cindy Johnson, Margo MacDonnell, Teresa Magel, Beverly Mellars, Ted Melton, Jim Mohrbacher, Miranda Paasche, John Pelegrin, Andrea Scott, Drew Smith, Jenna Yeager, Alison Young, Michael Young

Work Accomplished: ½ mile of trail reroute, all trees and most stumps removed from corridor. Moved large piles of tree debris 4-6 feet away from the trail.

Comments from the crew…
“It sure was an eye opener to the reality of how much work it actually takes to build and maintain the CT. I thru-hiked last summer and it never crossed my mind once during the five weeks about how many hours and volunteers it took to allow me the pleasure of a long, stress-free vacation. That’s why I’m glad I joined this trail crew.” – Randy Dalton

Weeklong Crew 0216 – Morrison Creek

June 4 – 11, 2016
Crew Leader: Glenn Kepler
Total Hours Worked: 393

Crew Members Included: Joel Barker, Taryn Bazhaw, Andrew Been, Harold Harmon, Bob Hunter, Preston Brooks Lord, Gary Osborn, Dick Hackman, Steven Parker, Mel Preusser, Bharat Ratra, Mark Santa Maria, James Sibert, Ken Stagner, Jim Storjohann, Ginny Tory, Glenn Kepler

Work Accomplished: 2,640 feet of new tread constructed

Weeklong Crew 0316 – Junction Creek

June 11 – 18, 2016
Crew Leader: Tom Brooksher
Total Hours Worked: 1,086

Crew Members Included: Phil Ayers, Candace Ballantyne, Sandra Brendamour, Diana Bristol, Tom Brucia, Danny Cooper, Kathleen Cunningham, Laura Curran, Ron Dudek, Mark Grant, Barb Grauel, Ned Grauel, Diane Holt, Bob Hunter, Dave Landers, Jerri Miller, Larry Miller, Richard Murphy, Leesa Scudder, James Shaw, James Sibert, Greg Speight, Bill Wharton, Tom Brooksher

Work Accomplished: Renovated steep and eroded switchback, and rehabbed a second lower switchback. Reset a hiker barrier and closed off 2 cutoffs between switchbacks. Rehabbed ½ mile of tread and built 15 rolling dips. Rehabbed 13 rolling dips and other water diversion features.

Weeklong Crew 0416 – Middle Fork

June 18 – 25, 2016
Crew Leader: Scott Smith & Laura Briser-Smith
Total Hours Worked: 710

Crew Members Included: Ramon Alatorre, Miguel Barajas, Laura Brieser-Smith, Thomas Brown, Tom Brucia, Emma Charleston, Andrew Haar, Ken Haar, Bob James, Marty Keller, Dave Landers, Kyle McClure, Brent Rumsey, Mark Santa Maria, Scott Smith, Gene Tison, Rick Trojanovich

Work Accomplished: 900 feet of new trail constructed, including five climbing turns. Built a seven foot mono wall and constructed a set of three stone steps.

One-Day Crew 0516 – Horseshoe Gulch

June 18, 2016
Crew Leader: Brent Adams
Total Hours Worked: 205

Crew Members Included: Brent Adams, Charlotte Aycrigg, Stephanie Bingham, Doug Buttery, Vincent Dorzweiler, Anne Englert, Keesha Erickson, Shannon Griswold, Tom Griswold, Riley Hodges, Norine Knight, Lowell Koenck, Adam Mikulis, Diane Mikulis, Edward O’Toole, Len Paul, Stormy Roberts, Katie Sauter, Laura Sauter, Glenn Scadden, Mike Spaulding, Ginny Tory, Christina Walter, Randal Whorton, Lloyd Williams, Arielle Wilson, Wally Wininger, Mark Zammuto

Work Accomplished: 90 drainage structures constructed and/or cleaned, 20 feet of rutted tread filled in, 200 feet of tread debermed and filled in, and 1 sign reset.

Three-Day Crew 0616 – Winfield (women only)

June 24 – 26, 2016
Crew Leader: Cindy Johnson
Total Hours Worked: 456
Crew Members Included: Aubrey Allen, Antonia Banducci, Pattie Bean, Rachael Bray, Suzy Burger, Karla Fuller, Teri Harper, Judi Hurley, Margaret Jacot, Cindy Johnson, Martha Kondo-Pavish, Jean Mortensen, Laura Olson, Wendy Stair, Ginny Tory, Tia Turner, Jennifer Vanderhye, Jacquelyn Weddell, Leslie Weddell, Rhonda Weiler, Jenna Yeager

Work Accomplished: Removed aspen encroaching on the trail along 3 miles of work section. Recreated tread along several hundred yards where vegetation had obscured the trail.

Weeklong Crew 0716 – Middle Fork

June 25 – July 2, 2016
Crew Leader: Bill Carpenter
Total Hours Worked: 540

Crew Members Included: Fred Balmos, Bill Carpenter, Chris Headrick, Seth Headrick, Justin Rosendall, Andy Smith, Brooks Taylor, Gary Weeks, Matt Weeks, Brook Gauthier, Chloe Gauthier, Nina Shahidi, Jim Boatwright

Work Accomplished: Built new trail to relocate portion of Collegiate West off the road.

Weeklong Crew 0816 – South Clear Creek

June 26 – July 2, 2016
Crew Leader: Cindy Johnson
Total Hours Worked: 862

Crew Members Included: Barbara Beaumont, Stephanie Bingham, Tom Brown, Tom Brucia, Jacque Burroughs, Tim Burroughs, Emma Charleston, Alice Giraitis, Dave Giraitis, Kurt Hamann, John Herrick, Ann Horner, Margaret Jacot, Cindy Johnson, Mark Nelson, MelaDee Patterson, Bharat Ratra, Mark Santa Maria, Taryn Bazhaw, Randall Whorton, John Wiggington, Tommy Wren

Work Accomplished: 3 turnpikes built, reroute around a boggy area, several water diversions on the access trail completed and braiding removed.

Weeklong Backpack Crew 0916 – La Garita

July 2 – 9, 2016
Crew Leader: Loren Woods/Dan Cohen (stepped in as leader following an injury to Loren Woods)
Total Hours Worked: 490

Crew Members Included: Dan Cohen, Tim Bloom, Heidi Brothers, Wayne Dubois, Richard Johnson, Brad Klafehn, John Ogle, Maryna Ozerova, Loren Woods

Work Accomplished: Cleared two trees from trail, cleared five miles of trail. Corrected trail braiding and erosion and built 17 check dams and diversions.

One-Day Crew 1016 – Flume Creek

July 9, 2016
Crew Leader: Scott Smith & Laura Brieser-Smith
Total Hours Worked: 218

Crew Members Included: Laura Baker, Abby Barker, Joel Barker, Pat Barker, Laura Brieser-Smith, Becca Brunson, Russell Carter, Brian Crisp, Michael Croft, Kyleigh Dean, Erin Homburger, Norine Knight, Linda Kay Lawson, Cherry Lofstrom, Andrea Long, Brandon Long, Vickie Martinez, Mary Mawhinney, Claire Molenaar, Jean Mortensen, Nona Nordstog, Leslie Percival, David Ratterman,

Work Accomplished: Replaced planks on bridge crossing Flume Creek, added bridge approach to both sides, reconditioned 30 feet of a turnpike.

Three-Day Crew 1116 – South Cottonwood

July 15 – 17, 2016
Crew Leader: John and Elayna Lipe
Total Hours Worked: 984

Crew Members Included: Rachael Bray, Diana Bristol, Bill Brown, Jennifer Brown, Megan Casillas, Thomas Couts, Christy Davidson, Robert Deering, Ron Dudek, John Eagerton, James Einolf, Patricia Fuji, Harold Harmon, Ruth Hellman, John Herrick, Anthony Howell, William Lange, Cheryl Lindberg, Elayna Lipe, John Lipe, Ken Nakauchi, Gary Osburn, Cathy Richardson, Storme Rose, Maxim Saus, Steve Stadler, Chris Vacanti, Richard Wheeler, Ralph Lindberg, Kathy Phelan, Robert Dennery, Ben Howe, Cormac Dunn

Work Accomplished: Rebuilt approaches to bridges at middle and south Cottonwood Creeks, built horse crossing at south Cottonwood Creek, rerouted 380 feet of trail and rehabbed 250 feet of trail along south Cottonwood Creek

Weeklong Crew 1216 – Hancock

July 16 – 22, 2016
Crew Leader: Glenn Kepler
Total Hours Worked: 613

Crew Members Included: Pat Daniels, Mike Dorio, John Eagerton, Erin Blair, James Sibert, David Fitzwater, Barb Grauel, Ned Grauel, Wyatt Guersney, Shannon Hernandez, Christopher Kastner, Jennifer Kepler, Tim Kepler, Judith King, Olivia LeBlanc, Roy Leonard, A. Leroy Manz, Colin McKenna, Wesley Paxton, Diana Phelps, Alissa Searey, Gleen Kepler, Denice Kepler

Work Accomplished: 1,162 feet of new trail constructed including one step over stream crossing, one 72′ switchback with 12″ cut on top and 12″ build on bottom to form a reinforced wall.

Weeklong Backpack Crew 1316 – Searle Pass

July 23 – 30, 2016
Crew Leader: Paul Smith
Total Hours Worked: 449

Crew Members Included: Barbara Newsome, Hans Schmidt, John Marksbury, Karsten Kreech, Lee Ashley, Linda Siddens, Maryna Ozerova, Page Mino, Robin Mino, Paul Smith

Work Accomplished: 500 feet of trail debermed, 6 water bars constructed and 12 maintained, 150 feet or armoring tread, 600 ft. cleared of willows, and 80 feet of trail braiding closed.

Weeklong Crew 1416 – Hancock

July 31 – August 6, 2016
Crew Leader: Bill Carpenter (in place of Loren Woods)
Total Hours Worked: 496

Crew Members Included: Brent Adams, Anne Englert, George Miller, Bill Carpenter, David Fitzwater, Mike Collins, Matt Davis, Glenn Scadden, Tom Griswold, Charles Washer, Bowie Duncan, Steve Stadler

Work Accomplished: 844 feet of new trail built, filled in a drain at a climbing turn and two stump pits. Closed two burrow pits on lower trail, rebuilt stream crossing.

One-Day Crew 1516 – Morrison Creek

August 6, 2016
Crew Leader: Scott Smith & Laura Brieser-Smith
Total Hours Worked: 192

Crew Members Included: Candace Ballantyne, Mike Boyles, Tori Breithaupt, Laura Brieser-Smith, Christina Jones, Shelby Madrid, Jacob McCracken, Scott Mook, Kelsey Palmer, Jake Panter, David Ratterman, Michelle Ratterman, Scott Smith, Mike Spalding, Jared Siller, Tracy Stiller, Brent Wardell, Bill Wharton, Nate Wieland, Victoria Wieland, Chenine Wozniak, Taylor Zick

Work Accomplished: Two 30 ft. sections of new trail added to open trail from previous crews, and added several drains to new trail. Closed off old section of trail.

Weeklong Crew 1616 – Molas Pass

August 13 – 20, 2016
Crew Leader: Betsy Sylvester
Total Hours Worked: 963

Crew Members Included: Larry Allison, Sherry Areen, Phil Ayers, Candace Ballantyne, Diana Bristol, Ron Dudek, Dharma Gauthier, Tom Harper, Craig Lazaras, Oliver Lazaras, Paul Martin, Jim McIntosh, Colin McKenna, Marjet Osse, Betsy Sylvester, Brooks Taylor, Rich Tucker, Dean Waits, Bill Wharton, Stephen Whitfield, Jack Morrison, Ed Zabrowski, Hans Schmidt, Bill Soule, Linda Johnson

Work Accomplished: 197 rolling dips with berms, 27 water bars, and three dry drains constructed. 670 feet of trail debermed, and two wet water crossings built.

Comments from the crew…
“Another great crew… Betsy did an amazing job keeping us in line, productive, entertained, and WELL FED!” – Sherry Areen

“…for a whole week we have been having fun working.” – Dharma Gauthier

Four-Day Backpack Crew 1716 – Maxwell Creek

August 25 – 28, 2016
Crew Leader: Paul Smith
Total Hours Worked: 336

Crew Members Included: Adelina Allan, John Allan, Candace Ballantyne, Alan Estrada, Erik Estrada, Andrea Long, Brandon Long, Marjet Osse, Steve Petri, Stuart Snow, Liatris Studer, J Tucker, Bill Wharton, Paul Smith

Work Accomplished: Completed an armored stream crossing and demoed a 15 ft. log bridge, replaced log retaining wall, cleaned out 8 water bars, and 17 check dam risers, removed 2 tree trunks, debermed 60 feet of trail, and added CTF marker to one tree.

One-Day Backpack Crew 1816 – Kenosha Pass

September 24, 2016
Crew Leader: Brent Adams and Cindy Johnson
Total Hours Worked: 197

Crew Members Included: Brent Adams, Aubrey Allen, Rachael Bray, Laura Brieser-Smith, Anne Englert, Stephen Frank, Karla Fuller, Shannon Griswold, Tom Griswold, Jeanne Harris, Cindy Johnson, Casey Johnston, Scott Johnston, Norine Knight, Martha Kondo-Pavish, Cynthia Kruse, Connie LeCompte, Dick Maurer, Jean Mortensen, Brent Rumsey, Scott Smith, Denise Snow, Ryan Spatz, Steve Stadler, Gale Vigil, Rhonda Weiler, Randal Whorton, Lloyd Williams

Work Accomplished: 111 rolling dips and 8 knicks constructed, and 120 feet of trail debermed.