In 2018, CTF Field Operations Manager Brent Adams continued managing the Adopt-A-Trail program. Adams lead three training sessions for Adopters. During his three years of leadership, 49% of current Adopters have attended a training session. Trainings focused on maintaining and improving drainage, idenfiying problems, and reporting to the CTF office.
Adopters do important work in their sections of trail, which range from 1.6 to 16.8 miles. Some do the work alone and some assemble a group for the outing. Visiting as soon as they can after the snow melts in late spring, they cut and remove fallen trees, rake and hoe silt and debris out of the water diversions to limit erosion, assess the signage, and report their work and findings. Adopters make sure the trail is passable for hikers, cyclists, and horseback riders.
Snapshot: Adopters 2018
- Brent Adams continues to manage the Adopt-A-Trail program.
- Another successful year of Adopter Trainings
- 280 volunteers including Adopters and helpers
- 2,412 volunteer hours just this year
- Maintained the entire 567 miles of the CT
- Cleared the Trail, sawing and removing hundreds of fallen trees
- Cut back foliage
- Repaired rockslides
- Cleaned hundreds of water diversions to preserve the tread and limit Trail erosion
- Repaired, replaced and added signs, including wooden, steel and confidence markers
- Reported Trail conditions to the CTF for planning & USFS coordination
Some 2018 Adopter Notes:
Section 6.3 Brian & Denise McManus
Cleared three fallen trees approximately 6″ in diameter; cut seven small trees that were over hanging across the trail and cut back willow branches that were encroaching on two foot bridges. The trail is in good condition and the signage is visible.
Section 8.4 Julie Mesdag
10+ water diversions cleaned out, 1 marker placed on signpost on FS 714 by Cataract Falls – directing to CT/CDT access, 150 yards of trail widened above tree line heading NB to Kokomo Pass between posts, posts stabilized above tree line, LOTS of trimming of willows/aspens/sage
Section 8.5 Tim & Jacque Burroughs
Cleaned out about 50 water diversions and continued trimming foliage to meet equestrian requirements. We were most interested in seeing how the series of new rolling dips built by the one-day crew on June 30 had fared. We were thrilled to see they were still in excellent shape overall.
Section 15.2 Scott Baker
One tree removed, approximately 30 water diversions were cleaned/repaired, seven significant depressions, where water was collecting, were filled/repaired, removed low-hanging branches, stabilized the Little Cochetopa Cr trail sign post.
Section 19.2 Larry Allison
Seven trees were removed, posts were reset, one CDT marker added, seven CT markers replaced/added.
Section 22.1 Ron Davis
Removed 13 trees with the handsaw from the CT (Segment 22 0-2.6) which had fallen on the trail. Also replaced a couple confidence markers (CT&CDT) which were missing. Checked the new CT/CDT post at Spring Creek Pass and it’s anchored well.
Section CW04B Lawton Grinter
52 downed trees were cleared off the trail tread, hundreds of willows were lopped back from the trail above treeline, 5 water diversions were cleaned, lots of limbing/brushing