2022 Foundation Accomplishments
In 2022, 530 VOLUNTEERS contributed 12,200 hours preserving
The Colorado Trail, an astounding $384,422 worth of labor!
Adopt-A-Trail VOLUNTEERS • 206 Adopters, Helpers, & Training Attendees • 2,250 hours:
- Maintained the 567-mile CT (as they do annually)
- Three successful New Adopter Trainings
- Eight additional Trainings for current Adopters
- Cleared the trail of over 600 fallen trees
- Cleaned over 1,000 drains to preserve tread and limit erosion
- Installed over 100 new drains
- Repaired, replaced, and installed signs (directional and confidence markers)
- Cut back vegetation
- Repaired rockslides
- Reported Trail conditions to the CTF for planning & USFS coordination
Trail Crew VOLUNTEERS • 187 Crew Members • 5,633 hours:
- 19 Trail Crews
- One trail crew and team leader training
- Four new crew leaders trained
- Four new cooks trained
- 187volunteers (including crew leaders, cooks, trail workers, Operations Manager, etc.)
- 5633 volunteer hours contributed
- Three bridges constructed or repaired
- Avalanche debris cleared from several locations
- Hundreds of drains cleaned and/or constructed
- Four rock walls constructed
- Took in and fed Trail users and educated them about the CTF
- Approximately one mile of realignment or new trail constructed
Behind the Scenes VOLUNTEERS • 55 Board, Ops, & Other • 4317 hours:
- Provided vision, planning, financial assistance, etc. (volunteer Board Members)
- Made contact with new CT Friends by handing out business cards and brochures
- Made and installed Trail signs
- Made and donated unique store items (stickers and medallions)
- Scouted, organized, and planned logistics for crews and special projects
- Collaborated with Forest Service personnel on trail maintenance projects
- Volunteered pro-bono, professional services in graphic design, marketing, editing, etc.
- Mailed Tread Lines newsletter and other publications to 17,000 households
- Helped prepare and deliver completion certificates to 469 completers
- Handled accounting, investing, and financial oversight
- Delivered thank-you notes to donors and volunteers
- Partnered with many organizations including the USFS, BLM, CMC, Trails 2000, COMBA, CDTC and others
- Helped mail hundreds of donor thank-you letters
- Planned events including the Friends Picnic, Salida Gathering, and Holiday Party