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First posted March 5, 2019 – the information remains accurate.

The Colorado Trail Foundation maintains a contact list of known, current shuttle drivers – both individuals and businesses – in the Denver metro area and in towns all along the Trail, who have offered to help travelers get to and from trailheads along the CT and have allowed their contact info to be shared upon request. The list is not published because some of the shuttlers have asked that it not be, indicating it would affect their willingness to remain involved.

              To request a copy of the CT Shuttlers List, please fill out the short form found on this page!

CT travelers using the list will need to contact each potential shuttler directly in the attempt to make arrangements. (The CTF is not involved in this.) Those needing a shuttle should try making arrangements well in advance.

CT Hikers enjoying their trip.

CT Hikers enjoying their trip.


If the plan is a one-way Trail trip and a shuttle to or from one’s car is needed, consider leaving the car at the end point. Arrange with the shuttler to meet you there and then shuttle you to the start point. Beginning your trip this way and accomplishing your shuttle where you start, when timing is usually known, will greatly facilitate shuttle arrangements. Having your own vehicle waiting where you’ll end, when timing is tough to predict, often makes things easier and proves a source of comfort.