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In 2021, CTF Field Operations Manager Darin Radatz continued managing the Adopt-A-Trail program.

Radatz lead three training sessions for Adopters. During his year of leadership, 54% of current Adopters have attended a training session. Trainings focused on maintaining and improving drainage, identifying problems, and reporting to the CTF office.

Adopters do important work in their sections of trail, which range from 1.6 to 16.8 miles. Some do the work alone and some assemble a group for the outing. Visiting as soon as they can after the snow melts in late spring, they cut and remove fallen trees, rake and hoe silt and debris out of the water diversions to limit erosion, assess the signage, and report their work and findings. Adopters make sure the trail is passable for hikers, cyclists, and horseback riders.

Snapshot: Adopters 2021

    • Darin Radatz continues to manage the Adopt-A-Trail program.
    • Three successful Adopter Trainings
    • 185 volunteers including Adopters, helpers, and training attendees
    • 1,716 volunteer hours this year


    • Maintained the entire 567 miles of the CT
    • Cleared the Trail, sawing and removing hundreds of fallen trees
    • Cleared avalanche debris and paths through debris
    • Repaired rockslides
    • Cleaned hundreds of water diversions to preserve the tread
    • Repaired, replaced and added signs, including wooden, steel and confidence markers
    • Reported Trail conditions to the CTF for planning & USFS coordination

Some 2021 Adopter Notes:

Section 5.1 Dawn Zalone

Another beautiful day on the trail! After last year’s incredible blowdown, it was surprising that we only had to remove ONE tree from the trail. The trail through the blowdown area is very well defined.

Section 8.6 Tim & Jacque Burroughs

Section 8.6 is in great shape, We were pleasantly surprised at how well almost all of the 25-plus rolling dips we helped install three seasons ago on a one-day, Brent Adams-led trail crew have weathered. Very little repair work was needed. Clearly, all are doing a good job in handling the spring runoff

Section 9.3 Zachary & Taylor Waanders

General trail clean up and maintenance. Assessment of bridges and other trail features. Creek crossing with armored swale was cleared of debris and improved to direct water off of trail, there was immediate improvement to trail quality. Several downed trees were cleared prior to arrival

Section CW01C Rhonda Weiler

Trimmed back willows and vegetation where needed, cleaned out several drains, redirected water off trail in one area, removed small/medium size rocks that have tumbled on the trail, all looks very good on the trail.

Section CW03A Mal Sillars

We did move a huge boulder into a safer position for passing. Snowmelt continues to 2 sheet across the trail, but trail holding up quite well. All hikers thought the section was in top shape with no complaints.

Section CW04B David Kuhn

Installed confidence markers on trees on both sides of the intersection of the new segment and the old Williams Pass road. Installed 2 4″x4″ posts, one on each side of the junction of the new section and the Hancock Pass Road. Each post has CT and CDT markers as well as directional arrows.